Monday, March 28, 2011

Day 78--The Frugal Gourmet

Thus begins week two of our little attempt to plan out meals, hopefully saving money and allowing us to be healthier so we won't be tempted to eat junk food.  Its harder to eat bad stuff when there isn't any bad stuff around to eat.  After some simple planning last night, I got all the ingredients together for the week and it cost a whopping total of: 18 dollars.  That's right...5 days worth of meals, 18 dollars.  I'd say this is working out quite nicely.

The testing schedule today was just as weird as expected.  I literally didn't do anything from about 9 til 1, then talked to my freshmen about sex using duct tape as a visual aid (thank you Eddie Boyer), then taught one Acts class that I don't see again until Wednesday.  Business as usual.

Breakfast--Chocolate Cheerios and Mango Chobani with honey.  Back on the protein/fat kick to get full, and it worked quite well.

Snack--Fiber One bar.

Lunch--Chicken, brown rice, and sauteed spinach.  I will say...sauteed spinach is NOT good.  I topped it off with another Fiber One bar because chicken and spinach isn't that filling and eating cups of rice just to get full seemed, well, dumb.

Snack--Cherry Fage w/ honey.

Dinner--Jambalaya rice, andouille sausage, and dark red kidney beans.  Very filling, very cheap...a great meal.  And it will definitely be complete when I finish it off with...

Dessert--Cupcakes! Gotta eat them before they go bad.  Yeehah.

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