Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Day 87--Rockin' the Early Weekend

For reasons that will be explained later, I don't have to go to school again until Monday. SCORE.

The one downside is that I have to get up at around 4:15 tomorrow. WHATEVER THE OPPOSITE OF SCORE IS.

...and that pretty well sums up my day.

Breakfast--Chocolate cheerios (I overslept today to make up for getting up early tomorrow) and a Fiber One bar.  Waaaaay too much chocolate for one morning.

Lunch--Hot dog, seasoned cauliflower...oh yeah, and a banana.  My life during school days is kinda blah.  This is why I enjoy weekends...the rest is nice, but the food is wonderful.

Dinner--Two peanut butter and peach preserve sandwiches with whole wheat bread.

Snack--As opposed to dessert, I went with edamame, with my special cayenne/sugar/salt mixture.  It proceeded to light my mouth on fire. Totally worth it.

As for losing weight, well...the malaise continues.  Perhaps things will get better after the weekend?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sup Stud!
Sounds like your eating really well and really healthy! Try the Hebrew National 94% fat free hot dogs, they are like 40 calories or something ridiculous like that and delicious. (Did you ever think that I would ever give anyone healthy eating tips? lol) I just noticed you put your weight on the blog. Legit. That takes a lot of cajones (not for you, but for anyone) so that's awesome. Keep up the awesome work! BT